Friday, August 3, 2007


Explored the Technocrati pages and search features. I had kind of a mixed experience, some of it rather disappointing. For instance I searched the keywords 'India and movies' and returned such wonderfully accurate hits as "come join us in prayer" and "leather boots by Versace".

Hey perhaps these were titles of hit Indian movies - but somehow I don't think so. I imagine there were some advance search features that would have allowed me to tighten up the retrieval if I took the time to investigate. However, the initial seach was rather useless like some google searches as too many irrevelant things were retrieved.

I also conducted the prescribed search for "learning 2.0" in the tag search field and low and behold there was Jan's familar face among the video choices listed.

A lot of interesting things to explore via technocrati.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Still working to catch up on the lessons. I was able to review Rollyo and check out some of the features. I really don't have many web sites that I visit religiously, so I am not sure I would use the feature that allow you to search selected web sites, although I agree this could be useful for certain folks.

I also was able to generate and modify an image to post. Moving on!

Monday, July 30, 2007

RSS feeds

I am finding myself way behind on the 2.0 exercises after my recent vacation. I was able to learn about RSS today and set up some sample feeds to news sites etc. Be interested to see if this is useful or my things that I will just want to delete.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Moving On

I was able to make a trading card and post to my blog. Still much to learn.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fun in Florida

A photo from Florida.